IHS Tour & Exhibit

The November 4, Sunday, tours of the Irving Heritage House featured an exhibit of memorabilia of the Hump pilot Robert L. Willis in honor of Veterans Day. Located at 303 South O’Connor, the Heritage House and Mary’s Playhouse will be open for free tours from 3pm -5pm with docent led tours at 3pm and 4pm.Admission was free.
Photo - Hump pilot Robert L. Willis The family of Robert L. Willis will share photographs, records and other personal items of his time as one of the Hump pilots from 1942-1945. To listen to his daughter, Diane Willis share stories about her father, click here. Mr. Willis flew the Hump 105 trips in one year. He was awarded the Distinguished Flyer Medal. The Hump pilots were a select group of Allied pilots who flew the China Burma India route known as The Hump over the Himalayan Mountains during World War II. This world’s tallest mountain chain also provided extremely severe weather, thus creating an extremely dangerous and challenging flight route from India to China for transporting supplies.
For more information, visit www.irvingheritage.com or call 972-252-3838. The public is invited to see this special exhibit while touring the Heritage House. Complimentary copies of the book “From Rails to Wings” by Norma Stanton will be given to all visitors during the exhibit.
Photo - Hump pilot Robert L. Willis